New blog website!

In the Spring semester of 2015 I will be blogging for the Wentworth website. To keep following me go to:

Update February 2017: Unfortunately the above link doesn't work anymore. That's because after the great year in Boston I transferred to the Eindhoven University of Technology, back in the Netherlands. To read the blogs I wrote on Wentworth's website in 2015 go to:
Now I'm almost finished with my Bachelor in Applied Mathematics and looking for a good Master I want to pursue. Also, I now play baseball for the Oosterhout Twins in the Dutch Major League! (called: 'de Hoofdklasse' in Dutch).

vrijdag 29 augustus 2014


Well, my mom and I had a save flight! Yesterday we landed and got to the Airbnb we hired. After we dropped our bags we went to off to eat. We found a sushi place, which was great! Really delicious. After that we bought our breakfast for the next morning at Whole Foods and went straight to bed. We had a long day, so we were pretty tired. The next morning we finally got our WiFi ;)

On the Wednesday before I left, I said farewell to the two baseball teams I've played with in the last seven years. It was nice to see those guys a last time, before leaving to the US. Here's a picture of me with two coaches from the Bixie Baseball Academy:
I gave my very first practise shirt (size S!) back as a present. It says: "Thanks for the fantastic training" in Dutch. I started at Bixie when I was 11 years old. They have helped me to become a greatly developed baseball player in the six years that I've been with them.

This last season I played on a higher level, with UVV from the city of Utrecht. Also my teammates from UVV were great, so here is my last picture with (a couple of) them:
My coach on the left actually didn't want to take a picture because "they'll think that we're some kind of B-team" Well, I can guarantee you, UVV is defenitely not a B-team. We had about 16 players and were really competitive in our league (the Rookie League, the second/third league in the Netherlands).  This was a practice where, unfortunately, a lot of players had to study for important exams.

Now, I have to finish this blog, because my mom is really excited to go discover Boston (me too!). Farewell to all my Dutch friends, I'll see you when it's Christmas ;)


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